It's almost the weekend folks, i'm sure you'll all be going out dancing at some stage over the next couple of days, I thought i'd drop another fine mix on you, a little "something for the weekend" to get you into the right frame of mind ...
May I take this opportunity to welcome our very own Joe Smith back after his few weeks in Cyber limbo (see post below this) Nice to have you back Joe ...
Now, back to business ...
As far as DJ mixes go, I think this is one of the finest i've ever heard, really.
It's hard to believe this mix is from 1979, everything about it is heavy, from the selections to the mixing to the EQ'ing .. Baldelli kills it.
Everybody knows Baldelli these days from the whole "Cosmic Disco" revival that's been rammed down our throats over the last few years but there isn't ANYTHING "Cosmic" about this mix of his, this is straight up DISCO & to be honest, for me, it shits on alot of the so called "Cosmic" mixes i've heard (though there are some great ones out there, check out Beppe Loda).
This is the first 1 of 2 mixes by Baldelli in this style I will be posting, although i'm not totally sure where or when the second one is from it's just as good as this NYE mix (in fact a couple of the same tracks pop up) if not a little wilder & a tad more leftfield.
Like I mentioned earlier Baldelli has made something of a comeback in recent years playing at clubs like Horse Meat Disco here in the capital, having seen him play more than once I can tell you he is definitely worth checking out & his mixing skills & selections are second to none, I remember the dancefloor erupting to an insane re-edit of Paul McCartney's "Temporary secretary" & Torchsongs "P2E Remix" amongst other things on one particularly sweaty night .. but this mix we have here is more on the Disco tip, with tracks like El Coco's "Mondo Disco" & Bohannon's "Disco Symphony", listen & you'll see what I mean ..

I've recieved, listened to, played, loved & hated alot of mixes over the years, but this one does it for me every time, it really is almost flawless, I keep going back to it .. & YOU will too, I believe it puts alot of contemporary DJ's to shame - skills wise & selection wise, honestly, some heads could learn a thing or 2 by listening to this.
Oh, and if all that wasn't enough, GUESS what the last record on the mix is???
Daniele Baldelli - NYE 1978 by Bobbyhands
PS - Keep 'em peeled for the 2nd mix to be posted.
(BIG shout to James Hillard on this one!)
Thanks man. As a DJ who really matured in the 90s I love hearing the beginning of mixing as we know it today.
what is that strange effect that seems to be all over every single Baldelli mix, at sometimes rather random intervals? I love it.
I am not 100% sure but I have been told that its just him EQing on the old mixers he used to use. Not sure what mixer that would be though, it certainly wouldn't be a bozak.
He's just doing a hi-pass filter and panning to the left channel (usually).
It kind of annoys me actually because he has no logic to when he does it, but I guess while on the right drugs it makes sense.
It's an isolator .. just a very old one, listen to the Rahaan mix too (and on many other mixes I've ot .. includng Larry Levan), similar sound, the difference between technology then & now, eh?
I think it sounds wicked ...
ooops, I meant GOT ^
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